介紹:LA-CO M-A 不銹鋼助焊液
產品描述:LA-CO M-A STAINLESS STEEL FLUX LIQUID不包含氯化鋅或其他重金屬氯化物。使用軟焊料各類。未有中的必要的,在不銹鋼。不會造成漸進式腐蝕不銹鋼。會見美聯儲規(guī)格。通信。項目單位描述。AA-51145C,IIB類和ATSM B-32型。
● 也可以用在銅,鍍鋅鐵,鉻,鋼,鉛,黃銅中。
● 不銹鋼水槽和屋頂的理想選擇。
● 不要使用在不銹鋼飲用水管中。"
LA-CO M-A STAINLESS STEEL FLUX LIQUIDContains no zinc chloride or other heavy metal chlorides.Use with all types of soft solders.No neutralizing necessary on stainless steel.Will not cause progressive corrosion on stainless steel.Meets Fed Spec. Comm. Item Descr. A-A-51145C, Type IIB and ATSM B-32: Type IS.
Key Applications:
Also may be used on copper, galvanized iron, chrome, steel, lead and brass.
Ideal for stainless gutters and roofs.
Do not use on stainless steel potable water tubing."
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