介紹:上海超潤原裝進口Maxi-blast Maxi Clean MC 5,公司現(xiàn)貨,價格優(yōu)惠!可提供報關單,原產地證明,質保書,保證原裝正品!咨詢電話:021-20247731
Maxi-blast Maxi Clean MC 5硬質塑料顆粒噴砂清洗介質
產品:Hard Grade Granulated Plastic Blast Cleaning Media 硬質塑料顆粒噴砂清洗介質
形狀:Irregular 不規(guī)則
Maxi-blast Maxi Clean MC 5 approved under Mil-P-85891A Military specification for plastic blast cleaning media.
Maxi Clean MC5主要用于噴砂清洗鋼和鍍鉻模具的表面。Cleans metal surfaces with no abrasion or effect on critical tolerances saving money on tooling expense.對金屬表面的清洗而不會對金屬邊緣有摩擦或者影響,減少工具耗費。
Lasts significantly longer than glass bead increasing the value of your investment.相比玻璃珠有明顯的更持久的耐用性,凸顯出您為之付出的價值。
Sharp,granular edges produce quick cleaning action in less time,saving money.鋒利顆粒邊緣可以讓清洗更迅速更省錢。
Causes no abrasion to blast cabinet,nozzles,windows or fixtures eliminating the need for frequently replacing costly parts.由于對噴砂機內腔,噴嘴和櫥窗不會有磨損,所以減少了對昂貴的部件的更換,省了花費。
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